TEH HIJAU di percaya banyak orang sejak dulu, teh hijau dulu di sebut sebagai salah satu minuman yang bermanfaat bagi orang dewasa,dan dapat mencegah terkena berbagai macam penyakit. bukan cuman itu saja masih ada manfaat baik lain nya yang terdapat pada teh hijau.
teh hijau berasal dari daun tumbuhan yang berkualitas dan sangat di yakini berbagai negara, seperti di cina,japan ,korea,cina dan juga indonesia.

teh hijau memiliki kandungan seperti teh lain nya yaitu Teh HIJAU , sehingga teh hijau banyak khasiat nya dan juga bisa untuk kecantikan dan bakan terpopuleran nya teh hijau yang dikenal seleruh dunia

1. tentang teh hijau
teh hijau banyak juga di tanam banyak orang sehinggan gimana terkenal teh hijau dimana mana dan di luar negeri juga, dan teh hijau juga banyak di cariin orang untuk yang sakit jenis jenis kanker dan macam macam penyakit, bukan itu saja teh hijau dapat di buat makanan dan minuman dan bany juga macam macam jenis minuman dan lain nya

2. teh hijau juga bisa membakar lemak yang padat
menurut psikologo ,teh hijau juga dapat membakar lemak badan kita dan menigkatkan metabolisme.
dalam penelitian yang tentang hijau bisa melibatkan 20 pria sehat,karena mengkonsumsi ekstrak teh hijau yang berkhasiat maupun meningkatkan membakar kalori kita hingga sampai 4 persen, sehingga bisa juga untuk memdietkan tubuh kita .

#minum hangat dingin juga bisa
#minum 4-5 kali sehari
# 4 jangan campurkan apapuun dengan yang lain
# dan juga jangan hanya mengandalkan teh hijau

untuk membantu tubuh kita menjadi sehat jangan juga kita mengandalkan teh hijau saja kita juga harus berolahraga dan kurangin makanan makanan yang berlemat dan berminyak dan ada juga orang melakukan diet dengan tidak makan tapi makan sayur sayuran dan buahan buhan

diet sehat ini juga banyaik memiliki cara yang tersendiri,salah satu nya kita adalah mengomsumsi minuman teh hijau yang berkhasiat untuk diet ,apakah anda tahu bahwa teh hijau sangat bagus untuk menjaga tubuh kita dengan meminum teh hijau segar

How to Win Big on a Slot Machine

Slot machines are available in many forms and styles. The most common types of slot machines have Reels, Bonus events, and Random number generators. The themes and types of Reels can vary widely. The themes of reels and bonus events are described below. You can also read more about the different types of bonus events in slot machines. Here are a few tips to help you win big on a slot machine:

Random number generators

You may have heard of random number generators for slot machines but do not know what they are. These devices create random numbers and repeat this process billions of times every second. These machines are completely random and you can play them online and in real casinos without worrying about the software. You don’t even have to know the process to enjoy playing slots. This article explains the function of random number generators in slot machines. We’ll also discuss how these systems work.


While special features and visual identity are perhaps the most notable innovations in slot games, reels are another significant factor. Most slot developers use a mechanical model for reels, as it adds more depth to the gameplay. In other words, the reels spin and stop, but the input remains constant. The most commonly seen reels are those with spinning, or’spinning’, reels. However, non-Vegas-style slots do not use this mechanical model. Instead, they phone home to a server that sends the result back to the machine, which then renders the slot’s animation. Consequently, stopping the reels has little impact on the input of the machine.

Bonus events

The payout percentage of slot bonus events can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but in general, they are worth a few cents per spin. According to an industry executive, one-third of all payback is earned by the player during these special events. A bonus game is a good example of a perceived skill game, since the player is not required to perform the skill to win. For example, a penny slot machine with a bonus game pays out 90 percent of the amount wagered to the player, while a regular game pays 60 cents per spin.

Reel themes

Themes for slots can vary from one casino to another. Hundreds of slot machines have associated themes, and players can easily find the one they enjoy. Themes can vary in terms of variance, from high volatility to low volatility. For instance, you can choose a slot themed after your favorite movie or book, and still enjoy the high level of action. If you enjoy playing fantasy or horror themes, you can try Halloween-themed slots. The spooky backdrop and writhing reels will definitely frighten your opponent!

Bet size

When playing online Slots, you should be aware of the bet size for each game. This way, you’ll know exactly how much to wager and won’t end up losing money in the middle. Choosing the right bet size for a game is essential to maintaining your bankroll. Also, you can play for longer, thus increasing your chances of winning. Below are some tips to help you decide what bet size to play.


There are hundreds of different slot symbols you can find in a game. Knowing them is a great way to increase your playing experience. Slot machines aren’t that old, and they’ve evolved a lot since their first release. Many beginners are confused by the idea that slot symbols have low values. It’s important to understand how symbols work and how they relate to the overall game. To make learning about slot symbols easier, read the game’s pay-table and other information.